Protocol for Students in case of Medical Emergency

  • In case of medical emergency for any student (residing in the hostel), the security at the hostel should immediately inform the Warden and Dean / Associate Dean – Student Affair and the Security Control Room. Their numbers may be displayed on the hostel notice board at a prominent location. These numbers are also provided to the emergency counter of the Institute hospital so that the duty staff can also contact them as and when required.

  • The warden, any faculty, staff, security personnel and /or the students assisting the patient may decide if they should first come to the IITD hospital emergency or go directly to AIIMS / SJH emergency depending upon the situation.

  • If the emergent situation is likely to be medico-legal in nature, it is suggested that the Security Control Room be immediately informed accordingly.

  • The student must be accompanied by two fellow students/ security personnel/ faculty/ staff/ warden or his/her representative.

  • The Basic Life Support Ambulance of IITD shall take the student to the emergency ward of AIIMS / SJH. A support staff of the hospital will also accompany the patient to the hospital in case of medical emergency.

  • The accompanying persons may carry ID cards and some money to purchase any items advised by the doctors, if need be at AIIMS/SJH.


  • Max Hospital, Saket- Emergency Contact Number 011-40554055
  • Fortis Vasant Kunj- Ambulance Helpline Number-105010
  • Apollo Indraprastha- Emergency Contact Number- 1066
  • CATS (Centralised Accident and Trauma Services) Ambulance Contact Number- 102 or 1099